Sunday, June 22, 2008

At the tone the time will be...

Internal body clocks really piss me off, mine is set to go off at about 4:50 a.m. everyday. Happened again this morning, I woke up because...well, nature was calling, that's another thing, doesn't she know it's really rude to call in the middle of the night or so early in the morning? Some people! I should have turned the ringer off, but I'm always afraid it will be important, that or I'll relive my childhood...if you know what I mean.
Anywho, in my half asleep state I crack an eye open, I see that it's a teensy bit light out, I think I know what that means. I lift my head up, close the 'bad' eye, not that it's done anything wrong, just that the right eye has had cataract surgery and I can actually see the clock, and sure's 4:50 a.m. Sunuvabitch.
I think, maybe if I just lie (I looked it up so I'd get it right this time) here the urge will go away and I'll just drift back to sleep...just lying here...closing my eyes...not going to....DAMNIT!! Getting out of bed, stumbling to the bathroom...really ticked off now.

I think I come by it naturally I can remember when I was young and we would visit my grandparents, I'd be sleeping on the couch and I'd hear them in the kitchen drinking their coffee. Still dark out, pretty early, and I can hear Grandpa's spoon in his cup...tink, tink,'s a memory that still makes me smile. My Dad wakes up pretty early too, even now when he's retired and most of the time has no reason to get up early. I guess it's in my gene's...great.

Anyway, I finshed my business, so I go back to bed and lie there...sun is coming up, damn birds are chirping, cat is tromping on my head...clock is ticking...(it's a digital, but I swear it's ticking) Pleeeeeassse let me get back to sleep, it's 5 in the morning....I must have fallen asleep because I wake up later, yes! I slept in! All the way to...6:49!? Sunuvabitch


Anonymous said...

Ah, the early morning pee... been there, done that...will do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next day... only thing with me is, I can go right back to sleep! Seriously I can getup, pee, get Michael dressed, make his lunch, check my email, put him on the bus, come back in the house, strip off whatever clothes I had put on over my pajamas so as not to alarm the neighbors on my bus foray... and go right back to sleep. As long as I haven't taken a shower, I am a sleeping MACHINE!

Playabum17 said...

I can sleep, at night...I can barely stay awake past 10:00! Unless I'm out and about, even then I have been know to 'hit a wall' and have to leave cause I'm too dang tired!

Zoom said...

I enjoyed reading your blog entries......just added you on my blog roll call

Playabum17 said...

Thanks Zoom! I'll add you to my blogroll as well.